1992年10月8日,国际乒联主席荻村伊智朗先生专程来津,将承办1995年5月第43届世界乒乓球锦标赛的正式文本交到了天津市副市长钱其璈手中。至此,天津曲折的争办划上了圆满的句号。 一波三折的争办 天津萌发争办世乒赛的念头是在4年前。当时日本干叶市举办了第41届世界乒乓球锦标赛,作为友好城市的使者,天津市体委主任仇涌一行前往观摩。干叶之行得到了这样一个启示:当今社会,体育以其独有的魅力,使得一个城市一夜
On October 8, 1992, ITTF Chairman Diocun Yi Zhilang made a special trip to Tianjin and handed over the official text of the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships in May 1995 to Qian Qizhi, deputy mayor of Tianjin. At this point, Tianjin twists and turns of the dispute was drawn to a successful conclusion. Twists and turns in the fight Tianjin sprouted to compete for the World Championships is the idea 4 years ago. At that time, Japan’s dried leaves held the 41st World Table Tennis Championships, as a messenger of friendly cities, Tianjin City Sports Commission Director Chou Chung and his entourage to visit. Dry leaves trip has been such a revelation: In today’s society, sports with its unique charm, making a city a night