Patient female, 18 years old. There fever, bleeding gums, epistaxis, with dizziness, fatigue for 1 week. The patient suddenly became feverish on October 19, 1985, accompanied by dizziness and weakness. After serving a fever “to painkillers” a few tablets, 2 days after bleeding gums more than, with epistaxis, menstruation increased from our department of stomatology, internal medicine clinic, on October 26, 1985 admitted to hospital. Physical examination: T40 ℃, skin, mucous membrane pale, limbs have different sizes of purple spots, shallow lymph nodes, heart and lung (-), liver and spleen is not enlarged. Laboratory tests: Hemoglobin 4.2 ~ 4.8g, red blood cells 125 ~ 1480000, white blood cells 670 ~ 1400, neutral 6/25, lymph 18/25, mononuclear 1/25, platelets 1 ~ 28.4 million, reticulocyte 0.3%. Bone marrow examination (from October 21 to November 9, a total of 3 times); were extremely low proliferation, grain,