Application of Rhododendron Species (Ericaceae) in Green System of Kunming City in Yunnan, China

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fhdfhdfrtr
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Species, application frequencies, habitat features and combination modes of Rhododendron species in Kunming City were studied through random sampling in different subareas of Kunming City. The results show that Rhododendron species were widely applied in parks, residential areas and street-side green spaces. Diversified application patterns presented excellent landscape effects, but only a few species were used, for example, Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet., R. hybridum, R. simsii var. simsii, while R. delavayi Franch. and R. simsii var. mesembrinum Rehd. were occasionally found. Landscaping features of Kunming were characterized by domination of Rhododendron species, advantages and problems of Rhododendron species in landscaping of Kunming City were analyzed. It was proposed that introduction and domestication of wild Rhododendron species should be enhanced, rich germplasm resources of Rhododendron species should be fully used, and more indigenous Rhododendron species applied. Species, application frequencies, habitat features and combination modes of Rhododendron species in Kunming City were studied through random sampling in different subareas of Kunming City. The results show that Rhododendron species were widely applied in parks, residential areas and street-side green spaces. Diversified application patterns presented excellent landscape effects, but only a few species were used, for example, Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet., R. hybridum, R. simsii var. simsii, while R. delavayi Franch. and R. simsii var. mesembrinum Rehd. occasionally found. Landscaping features of Kunming were characterized by domination of Rhododendron species, advantages and problems of Rhododendron species in landscaping of Kunming City were analyzed. It was proposed that introduction and domestication of wild Rhododendron species should be enhanced, rich germplasm resources of Rhododendron species should be fully used, and more indigenous Rhododendron species applied.
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