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大约从北齐(公元550—577年)徐之才写《药对》以来,就开始形成了中药十八反的禁忌雏形。后来,在历代的《本草》中都沿用了这一禁忌,并且逐步发展、扩大,形成十八反的定论。为了继承祖国医学遗产,走中西医结合的道路,探求反药的实质,是很必要的。近几年来,不少医学工作者和兽医工作者作过许多实验。有人认为十八反的理论不符合客观实际,没有科学根据,因此,没有实用价值和存在的意义,根本不适用于兽医……应将千百年来束缚兽医工作者的手足,禁锢人们思想的十八反推翻;也有人认为甘草能增强大戟、甘遂的药效,故合用为治疗耕牛百叶干的理想方剂。人们还从反药 Since Xu Zhicai wrote “Medicine Pair” in the Northern Qi Dynasty (AD 550-577), he began to form a taboo of the anti-Chinese medicine. Later, in the “Ben Cao” of the past, this taboo was used and gradually developed and expanded to form an antithesis. In order to inherit the medical heritage of the motherland and take the path of integration of Chinese and Western medicine, it is necessary to explore the essence of anti-drugs. In recent years, many medical workers and veterinary workers have done many experiments. Some people think that the 18-count theory does not meet the objective reality and there is no scientific basis. Therefore, there is no practical value and meaning of existence. It does not apply to veterinary medicine at all... It should confine the veterinary workers’ hands and feet for thousands of years and confine people’s thinking. Eighteen counter-reversals; Some people think that licorice can enhance the efficacy of peony and sweet peony, so it is used as an ideal prescription for treating yak and dried yuba. People also come from anti-drugs
据最近报道,临床应用沙枣树叶制剂可缓解冠心病患者的症状,减少心绞痛的发作次数,改善心电图的表现。本文初步研究沙枣树叶制剂对动物实验性心肌缺血和心律失常的影响。 Ac
专稿发挥中药优势广开生产门路(关舟).·……5一1加强科研工作提高中药质量(中国药材公司)6一1 综述中成药发展简史(江克明)..···················……1
Objective Toexaminethequantitativeandqualitativealterationsinmastcellsandeosinophilsdistributedinthecutaneousandsubcutaneoustis Objective Toexaminethequantitativeandqualitativealterationsinmastcellsandeosinophilsdistributedinthecutaneousandsubcutaneousti