前些天,在电视里看了有关丽江的报道,看着那些新开的铺面和满街熙来攘往的游人,我竟有些庆幸五年前就去了丽江,因为那时的丽江与今日相比,它的古朴显得更纯粹,少有现代文明烟熏火燎的痕迹。有人说,纳西族是我国古文化保存最完整的一个民族。无论人文景观、自然景观、东巴文化、纳西古乐、象形文字、四方街民宅、玉龙雪山、虎跳峡、泸沽湖及摩梭人的婚姻习俗等等,都是古今中外文人墨客及游人作为稽实文献之谈资或游览之胜地。 五年前,去丽江的空中航线还没有开通,我从昆明乘长途汽
A few days ago, I watched the reports on Lijiang on television and looked at those newly opened pavilions and bustling tourists in the street. I was somewhat lucky enough to go to Lijiang five years ago because compared with today, Its ancient appearance is more pure, less trace of the smoldering modern civilization. Some people say that Naxi is one of the most preserved ethnic groups in ancient China. No matter cultural landscape, natural landscape, Dongba culture, Naxi ancient music, hieroglyphics, Sifang street houses, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lugu Lake and Mosuo marriage customs, etc., are both ancient and modern literati and tourists as Documentary literature or tour of the resort. Five years ago, air routes to Lijiang have not yet opened, I take long-distance steam from Kunming