沙柳(Salik chellophila)又名蒙古柳,杨柳斜柳属,一般带状丛生,是风沙区、草原地带典型的中生性灌木.其枝稠叶茂,生长速度快,根系发达,具有很好的防风固沙保持水土的性能,经济效益显著,是水土保持的先锋树种.沙柳在我国北方分布很广,尤其是长城沿线广为栽培,多生长在风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区、沙区、碱滩、山麓等.在东北、内蒙古、新疆、青海、西藏、陕北等省区均有分布.仅陕北集中分布的面积就达200万亩以上.
Salik chellophila, also known as Mongolian willow and willow-willow, is a typical belt-shaped tuft that is typical of mesogenic shrubs in aeolian sand and grassland areas with thick leafy foliage, rapid growth, well-developed root system and good Windbreak and sand-holding maintain the performance of soil and water and have obvious economic benefits, and are the pioneer tree species for soil and water conservation. Salix psammophila distributes widely in the north of our country, especially the cultivated area along the Great Wall and grows in the sand area, sandy area, Beaches, foothills, etc. In the northeast, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet, northern Shaanxi and other provinces and regions are all distributed only concentrated area of northern Shaanxi reached 2000000 mus of above.