Google、苹果、Facebook……这些伟大公司成立之初,都有天使投资人的身影。在国内,商界领袖薛蛮子、李开复、徐小平……加入天使投资人的行列,成为改变无数年轻人命运的重要力量。在此书中,他们与年轻人一起分享创业投资常识、经验、心得,也将改变你的命运。推荐理由你还记得自己的梦想吗?你可曾被梦想照亮过吗?天使投资人徐小平曾说,如果每一个和我对话过、投资过的年轻人,其心态都是被照亮、be inspired(被激发)的,那他们的人生就会完全不一样。他们会变得更美丽、更有魅力及更积极,能得到更多机会,更接近成功,这就是我对他们的意义。或许,这是所有天使投资人想对年
Google, Apple, Facebook ...... The beginning of these great companies have angel investors figure. In the domestic market, business leaders Xue Manzi, Kai-Fu Lee and Xu Xiaoping joined the ranks of angel investors and become an important force in changing the fate of countless young people. In this book, they share the entrepreneurial investment common sense, experience and experience with young people, will change your destiny too. Recommended reason Do you remember your dream? Have you ever been illuminated by your dreams? Angel investor Xu Xiaoping once said that if every one who spoke to me and invested young people, their mentality is lightened, be inspired (exciting), then their life will be completely different. They will become more beautiful, more attractive and more active, get more chances, and be closer to success. That is what I mean to them. Perhaps this is all angel investors want to year