Optimal Design of Two-Chamber Gas Distributor with CFD Approach

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:engineer2007
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Computational fluid dynamics( CFD) is used to investigate a new type of two-chamber natural gas distributor,which has a natural gas inlet and nine nozzle outlets. The uniformity at the outlet of distributor is practice proven to have significant degree influence on its comprehensive performance. To improve the uniformity at the nozzles of the gas distributor,CFD modeling with the RNG k-ε turbulence model is undertaken to understand the mass flow rate of nozzles with reference to different length of chambers and the most optimal length is obtained. The internal flow pattern of the natural gas distributor is analyzed. It is found that the local maximum deviation of the nozzle outflow rate increases with the increase of chambers length when the length is more than 64 mm. The results provide useful suggestions for the optimal design of two-chamber natural gas distributor. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to investigate a new type of two-chamber natural gas distributor, which has a natural gas inlet and nine nozzle outlets. The uniformity at the outlet of distributor is practice proven to have significant degree influence on its comprehensive performance. To improve the uniformity at the nozzles of the gas distributor, CFD modeling with the RNG k-ε turbulence model is undertaken to understand the mass flow rate of nozzles with reference to different length of chambers and the most optimal length is obtained. It is found that the local maximum deviation of the nozzle outflow rate increases with the increase of chambers length when the length is more than 64 mm. The results provide useful suggestions for the optimal design of two-chamber natural gas distributor.
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