德意志联邦共和国每天约有400人死于癌症。在工业发达国家中,将有三分之一的人罹患癌症,死于癌症的人数为整个癌症惠者人数的五分之一。为了彻底研究和解决有关癌的问题,已经花了大量时间。多年来为了探讨癌的起因也花费了大量资金,但迄今未获明显结果。这样,解开癌症之谜,彻底研究有关癌的问题,就显得越益迫切。因此许多研究生命基础的科研人员都致力于解决癌的问题。Renato Dulbecco阐明了一个重要问题。由于他在致癌病毒方面作出的成绩,获得了1975年诺贝尔医学奖。
About 400 people die from cancer every day in the Federal Republic of Germany. In industrial developed countries, one-third of people will suffer from cancer, and the number of people who die from cancer is one-fifth of the total number of cancer-favorers. In order to thoroughly research and solve the problems related to cancer, a lot of time has been spent. Many years have spent a lot of money to explore the causes of cancer, but no clear results have been obtained so far. In this way, it is all the more urgent to solve the mysteries of cancer and thoroughly study the problems related to cancer. Therefore, many researchers who study the basics of life are committed to solving cancer problems. Renato Dulbecco clarified an important issue. He received the 1975 Nobel Prize for medicine for his achievements in carcinogenicity.