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简要介绍了黄河淤泥沙的特性及相关情况,论述了黄河於泥综合利用研究的进展及主要成果,概述了其工业化开发的现状,分析了其存在的问题,对其发展前景进行了预测。黄河淤泥沙综合利用工作是关系到国计民生、千秋万代的大事,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 The characteristics and relevant situations of sediment in the Yellow River are briefly introduced. The progress and main achievements in the comprehensive utilization of mud in the Yellow River are discussed. The status quo of its industrialization and development are summarized. The existing problems are analyzed and its development prospect is forecasted. The comprehensive utilization of the silt and sediment of the Yellow River is a major event that has something to do with the national economy and the people’s livelihood and has achieved great things for generations. It has important practical significance and far-reaching historic significance.
分析了边坡不稳定的因素 ,介绍了稳定边坡的措施。通过应用土工合成材料 ,解决了天然生境和已恶化生境的冲刷问题 The factors of slope instability are analyzed, and the
<正> 《<毋忘台湾>序》是卓越的无产阶级文化战士郭沫若同志一九二六年六月写的,收作《毋忘台湾》一书序文。一九五五年中山大学谭彼岸先生在图书馆查阅资料时,发现这是一篇郭沫若同志所未收集的佚文。一九五七年《毋忘台湾》一书的编者、中央民族学院杨成
A 31-year-old woman with a history of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery presented at 25 6/7 weeks’gestation with complaints of abdominal pain. Mate
Objective: To describe a parasitic infection that probably affected the implantation of good-quality embryos in an in vitro fertilization(IVF) cycle. Design: Ca
Background. Small cell carcinoma in the uterine corpus rather than the endometrium has not been reported yet which resembles a uterine leiomyosarcoma on an imag
<正> 先生从事语文学术研究工作的特点,有"三新"和"三勤"."三新"是立场、观点、方法的"新".
BACKGROUND: Squamous intraepithelial lesions are more prevalent in women infectedwith the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) compared with immunocompetent women.
Objective.: To determine if repeating a smear improves detection of high-grade pre-invasive or invasive disease of the cervix compared with women who do not hav