Flat top oxygen blowing is domestic and foreign open hearth technological transformation, an important means to improve economic efficiency. Domestic and foreign top blowing oxygen furnace are used in the higher scrap ratio, such as Canada’s Hilton 500T flat steel furnace with 45% scrap and 4% pig iron charge, a single furnace with an annual output of 900000 tons. The third domestic steelmaker, due to economic reasons, also adopted the high-scrap ratio. Anshan Iron and Steel No. 2 Steelmaking concluded: “Omission of ore can be canceled when the oxygen supply strength reaches 0.33 (HM ~ 3 / t · min).” . Our factory began to use top-blowing oxygen in 1 ~ # flat furnace in February of 1979, but it was restrained by many factors such as furnace structure (three rising paths of 1 ~ #, 3 ~ # and 4 ~ # furnace), oxygen and production conditions , Oxygen supply is very low (3500 ~ 5000HM ~ 3 / hour or 0.18HM ~ 3 / t · min) loading along the ore bedding, with the furnace to improve yields, furnace renovation overhaul and three guns with oxygen for Oxygen intensity will also increase. With the oxygen intensity increased, whether to cancel the loading ore has been put on the agenda? And different furnace