温家宝健国城镇住房制度改革与住宅建设工作会议上强调 积极稳妥地推进城镇信房制度改革

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全国城镇住房制度改革与住宅建设工作会议于6月15日至17日在北京召开。国务院副总理温家宝出席会议并作了重要讲话。温家宝指出,深化城镇住房制度改革的指导思想是:稳步推进住房商品化、社会化,逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济体制和我国国情的城镇住房新制度;加快住房建设,促使住宅业成为新的经济增长点,不断满足城镇居民日益增长的住房需求。他强调,推进城镇住房制度改革,必须坚持积极稳妥的方针,做到人民安心、中央放心、有利稳定、促进发展。 会议指出,深化城镇住房制度改革和加 The National Urban Housing Reform and Housing Construction Work Meeting was held in Beijing from June 15 to June 17. Vice Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council attended the meeting and made an important speech. Wen Jiabao pointed out that the guiding ideology for deepening the reform of urban housing system is: to steadily push forward the commercialization and socialization of housing and gradually establish a new urban housing system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economic system and the national conditions of our country; to speed up housing construction and promote the development of housing industry as a new economy Growth point, continue to meet the growing needs of urban residents housing. He emphasized that to promote the reform of urban housing system, we must uphold the principle of active and steady reassuring of the people, rest assured by the Central Government, promote stability and promote development. The meeting pointed out: Deepen the reform and increase of urban housing system