In 15 anesthetized thoracodorsal dogs, responses to 5-HT-induced aortic chemoreflex in skeletal muscle, skin, kidneys and heart were studied by constant flow perfusion in vivo and in vivo The direct effect of 5-HT on these organ vessels. Perfusion pressure of the gracilis, skin (hindpaw) and kidneys increased significantly at 43 ± 8, 47 ± 5 and 56, respectively, when 5-HT (200 μg) was injected into the left atrium at a sharp rise in arterial blood pressure ± 27mmHg (P <0.01), while no significant changes of coronary perfusion pressure. After atropine and / or propranolol block m and beta receptors in skeletal muscle, cutaneous and perfused areas, the above effects were absent