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自古以来,天山就是南北疆交通的天然屏障,乌鲁木齐与库尔勒之间,雪山横亘,冰峰高耸。历史上,从乌鲁木齐到南疆,必须绕道白杨河、托克逊。民间谚语说:“千年冰峰人难开,要开除非神仙来。”上世纪50年代,在王震将军的倡导下,乌库公路先后两次修建。数万名筑路战士攀雪山、战严寒,在我国公路施工史上创造了奇迹。这条公路的修建,对勾通南北疆物资交流、支援工农业建设和开发开都河流域具有重大意义。 Since ancient times, Tianshan is the natural barrier of traffic in northern and southern Xinjiang, between Urumqi and Korla, snowy mountains, Bingfeng towering. Historically, from Urumqi to southern Xinjiang, must bypass the Bai Yang River, Toksun. Folk proverbs say: "In the 1950s, under the advocacy of General Wang Zhen, the Wuku Highway was built twice in succession. Tens of thousands of road warriors climbing snow-capped mountains, fighting cold, creating a miracle in the history of highway construction in our country. The construction of this highway is of great significance to the exchange of materials between the northern and southern regions, the support of industry and agriculture and the development of the open river basin.