10月16日至18日,由交通部珠江航务管理局组织召开的首次“珠江水系航道管理和维护工作座谈会”在柳州召开。 珠航局党组书记、局长赖定荣在会上作了《认清形势,抓住机遇,深化改革,把航道管理和维护工作提高到一个新水平》的讲话。 来自滇黔桂粤四省(区)航运主管部门的领导和航道方面的专家、技术管理人员共57位代表参加了座谈会。
From October 16 to 18, the first “Pearl River Waterway Channel Management and Maintenance Symposium” organized by Pearl River Navigation Administration of the Ministry of Communications was held in Liuzhou. At the meeting, Lai Dingrong, party secretary and director of the Zhuhai Administration of Aeronautics and Astronautics, made a speech on “recognizing the situation, seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, and upgrading the channel management and maintenance to a new level.” A total of 57 delegates from the shipping and shipping channel experts and technical managers from shipping authorities of the four provinces (autonomous regions) in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangdong provinces attended the symposium.