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“在我近30年的人生工作旅程中,无论是在海洋科研岗位还是在海洋管理岗位,一直与海洋有着不解之缘。我经常为大海的美丽柔情所陶醉,也经常为大海的狂涛怒卷所震惊。我崇拜大海的宽广胸襟,我敬佩大海爱憎分明的高尚情怀。30年的耳濡目染也培养了我海一样的性格。如果说20余载从事海洋科研工作使我熟知了大海的自然属性,那么,在我走上国家海洋局北海分局局长这个重要的海洋行政管理岗位后,我对海洋的社会属性又有了进一步的了解,我为海洋管理广博敏繁杂的内涵所深深吸引,为之奋斗并乐此不疲。” “In my nearly 30 years journey of work in life, I have always had an indissoluble bond with the sea, whether in marine scientific research or marine management positions.I am often intoxicated with the beautiful tenderness of the sea, I am shocked by the wide volume of the sea, I admire the noble feelings of love and hate in the sea. 30 years of monasteries also cultivate the same character of the sea. If more than 20 years engaged in marine scientific research so that I am familiar with the natural sea Attribute, then, after I embarked on the important position of director of the North Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Administration as an important marine administrative post, I had a further understanding of the social properties of the oceans. I was deeply attracted by the connotation of the extensive and complicated marine management, Work hard and never bored. ”
The electrochemical formation processes of holmium-coball alloys on cobalt cathode in molten HoCl3-KCl were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and open current
序号活动项目名称内容时间规模地点联系人联系人所在单位1锻压学会理事扩大会议学会理事换届工作会 2 0 0 3 770人乌鲁木齐张倩生锻压学会秘书处2 锻压设备及锻件、产品技术
双星集团铸机公司创新项目———亚洲第一台圆盘清理机近期已顺利通过用户验收。圆盘清理机的研制成功 ,标志着我国使用同类清理设备完全依赖进口的日子 ,一去不复返了。在此
AIM:To discuss the expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class Ⅰ antigens in gastric cancer and correlate these with pathologic type and TNM stage. METHO
A plastic deformation model for bcc metals is proposed in consideration of reaction stresses. The shear strains and the corresponding reaction stresses induced