上一篇讲了一出戏要确定好表现角度;设置好结构线,理顺主线副线、单线、复线。这一篇再结合《能人“百不成”》,探索一下戏的结构规律。 一出戏的结构,还有一件重要事,就是要掌握好结构层次,组织好戏的起承转合,使写出的戏,有头有尾,有铺垫有高潮,形成浑然一体的结构框架。 戏曲结构的起承转合,像其它艺术形成一样,并无成规可循,起承转合手法越新颖,越不落俗套,越能显出作者的功力。但是,也有一些最基本的规律,比如,起笔(开头),要新颖含蓄,让观众看第一场
The last one told a play to determine the performance of the angle; set the structure line, straighten out the main line, single line, double line. This article combined with “can” never “,” explore the structure of the rules of the game. The structure of a play, there is another important thing is to master the level of structure, organize the play from the beginning and the convergence, so that the drama written, head and tail, bedding orgasm, form a seamless structural framework. As the other forms of art form, there is no convention to follow. The more novel and the more unconstrained the better, the more the writer’s skill can be demonstrated. However, there are some basic rules, for example, starting pen (beginning), new and subtle, let the audience see the first