蝼蛄是地下害虫,食性很杂。在右江盆地一般一年发生一个世代,为害期长,自2月间开始外出活动。主要为害早稻秧苗、本田、旱地花生和小麦等多种作物幼苗。它在早稻秧田里钻成许多隧道,使秧苗拱起翻根枯死。早稻本田被害株有的可达1%以上。1973年以来,我们对黑光灯诱杀蝼蛄的效果进行了观察,结果如下: 1.虫口逐年下降我所1973年在两垌田约200多亩内安装两盏黑光灯,诱杀大量蝼蛄。1973年其中一盏自3月下旬到9月下旬
Gorgon is an underground pest, diet is very mixed. In the Youjiang Basin, a generation usually occurs a year and has a long period of harm. It has started out activities in February. The main damage early rice seedlings, Honda, dry land peanut and wheat and other crop seedlings. It drilled many tunnels in early rice fields, causing seedlings to arched and wither. Some of the victims of early rice Honda up to 1% or more. Since 1973, we have observed the effect of trapping blackheads on black light. The results are as follows: 1. Insect population decreased year by year. In 1973, I installed two black light bulbs in about 200 mu in two fields and lured a large number of slugs. One of 1973 from late March to late September