洞穿长夜,穷追不舍。听从召唤,学成回国。公私合营,奠定基础。工业先驱,共创碱业。那些天,侯德榜隔不了多久就能收到一封电报。上海解放了,令他欢欣鼓舞塘沽解放时,解放军入厂保护,秋毫无犯,碱厂已于1949年2月1 1日开工生产……报平安的消息频频传来。他忐忑不安的心情释然了5月下旬,侯德榜收到塘沽佟翕然厂长的一封电报,告
Long piercing, chasing after. Follow the call, learn to return. Public-private partnerships, laying the foundation. Industrial pioneer, create a base industry. Those days, Hou Debang can not receive long after a telegram. Shanghai was liberated, so that he was thrilled Tanggu liberation, the PLA plant into the plant protection, autumn no offense, soda plant was started in February 1, 1949 production ... ... reported peace news came frequently. His uneasy mood was relieved in late May, Houde Bang received a telegram from the factory manager Tang Tongran,