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  尽管名利一直被人视作“浮云”, 但是,我觉得名利应该是好事吧,不然为什么有这么多人不择手段,费尽心机都要得到呢?因而我更愿意以一个积极的态度来看待名与利,站在一个更高的位置,这意味着杰西·艾森伯格可以有更多的机会出演不同的角色,实现其演员的梦想。而当“黄袍加身”之时到来,他只需享受——套上高级西服,手拿香槟与红男绿女嘻哈闲聊。然后,在一片浮华之后只身回到自己温暖的小窝,读一本书,品一壶茶。
  It’s an evening at London’s Charlotte Street Hotel. The bar is buzzing, though chances are most 1)patrons have failed to notice Jesse Eisenberg. Never mind that his face has been on posters everywhere for David Fincher’s The Social Network (currently at $209m in global box-office and, following its Best Picture win at the Golden Globes, a hot favourite this awards season).
  We retire to the library, Eisenberg dressed in a 2)nondescript navy shirt, grey slacks and3)battered trainers, nursing the remains of a mojito. In the past three months he’s been “to all the rich countries”, 4)obediently 5)banging the drum for the film in which he plays Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Eisenberg is a little 6)bamboozled by it all. “I’ve never been involved in a movie that’s received this kind of attention. I’ve never played a role that’s received this kind of attention.” Indeed, many of his films—even such critically respected efforts as Roger Dodger, The Squid and the Whale and Adventureland—have 7)fallen through the cracks.
  Yet this is different, the film inspiring discussion “about communication and technology,” as Eisenberg neatly 8)terms it. It’s easy to see why Eisenberg was cast as Zuckerberg, beyond the fact they share certain physical similarities (tight curls of light brown hair, pale skin, 9)inquisitive eyes). The best of his early roles were 10)articulate yet awkward teenagers struggling to fit in, and his take on Zuckerberg is an extension of this.
  “He’s somebody who feels like he’s on the11)periphery of social interactions,” says the actor, “and to cope, he creates an incredible tool to interact.” While his cousin Eric works for Facebook, Eisenberg only met Zuckerberg for the first time when he and the face behind Facebook turned up on a 12)skit on Saturday Night Live, an experience he called “overwhelming”.
  As with Zuckerberg, The Social Network has thrown the 28-year-old into the spotlight. He has already won many trophies for the role.
   “I imagine this will be the only time in my life where this will happen,” he says. Yet “the endless promotion” has “been a bit 13)jarring,” particularly when it comes to 14)fronting an awards campaign. “There are actually some people who do this every year,” he sighs. “To me it just seems like a really 15)taxing process. You lose a sense of perspective. You lose a sense of needing to be creative. You lose a sense of what actual life is like. And you lose a sense of your own abilities.”
  This is a typical Eisenberg statement. Full of East Coast 16)angst as he sits 17)hunched on the sofa in front of me, it’s no surprise to learn that he’s in analysis. At one point, he tells me that, while he hates watching his films—a fairly common response by many actors—“my therapist says that I should because you have to treat it with more respect.” He studied 18)anthropology at college and spends his spare time writing plays and prose, and even 19)penned a musical, Me Time. Should anyone ever make a film about20)Woody Allen, Eisenberg would be a 21)front-runner for the role.
  Still, he’s not a pain to be around. He has a wonderfully wry sense of humour, not least when I ask him if his new-found fame has seen him get22)mobbed in the street. “Mostly grandmothers on the Upper West Side,” he grins. “They want to spread their lipstick on my cheek.” His New Jersey23)upbringing was middle-class, safe and comfortable. His father Barry is now a sociology professor and “has an appreciation for the arts.”
  His mother Amy was a professional 24)clown for 25 years, entertaining birthday parties in 25)Queens. “It was great 26)ammo to use in my defence of my chosen profession,” he says. He started acting when he was nine in community theatre and later went to a performing arts school where he got called to do an early reading for the script of Roger Dodger. So good was he—playing the naive nephew to Campbell Scott’s 27)self-professed ladykiller—that the producers 28)earmarked him for the role. “I got so lucky. It never, ever happens. It was the strangest thing. I would not be an actor otherwise because it’s impossible to get movie parts. It’s impossible!”
  He says there has been no change in the type of scripts he has been receiving since The Social Network was released—perhaps because he’s so identifiable with Zuckerberg and his 29)ilk. Eisenberg may not be worth $25 billion but he’s from the same generation. Understandably, given his rising celebrity, Eisenberg doesn’t hold a Facebook account. Yet his internet stock seems to be growing with a rising number of fan-sites dedicated to him. Though I know that he’s lived with his girlfriend, Anna—who is six years his senior—for four years, I tease him a little, asking if the film has gained him more female attention.
  “No, not at all,” he replies, earnestly. “I imagine there are people who, when they become part of a popular movie, find themselves meeting a lot of new people. But that hasn’t been the case with me.”
  The way Eisenberg sees it, all the current 30)hoopla around him will soon be at an end—“and one day, I can tell my children about how silly it was.” So will he simply go back to playing 31)nerds? He has just finished shooting the kidnap comedy 30 Minutes or Less, in which he plays a pizza delivery guy, so perhaps he will. Curiously enough, he says that his co-star Danny McBride—who regularly plays 32)rednecks—“captures the perfect American archetype.” But as the very 33)embodiment of the digital-age entrepreneur, in a way, so does Eisenberg.
  这是典型的艾森伯格论调。当他弓着身子坐在我对面的沙发上,他身上散发出来自美国东海岸的焦虑与迷茫,毫不出奇地看到他在思考分析。他一度跟我说,他不喜欢看自己的电影——很多演员都如 此——“我的心理医生说我应该去看的,因为我得更尊重自己的电影。”他在大学修的是人类学,平时闲暇时候会写写剧本和散文,甚至创作过音乐剧《真我时刻》。要是有人要拍伍迪·艾伦的自传电影,那么艾森伯格会是扮演该角色的最佳人选。
  在艾森伯格看来,目前围绕他的这些喧哗很快就会消失——“有一天我会告诉我的孩子这一切都多无聊啊。”那么,他会回归到只是书呆子这样的角色吗?他刚完成一部有关绑架的喜剧片《惊魂半小时》,在片中扮演一个送匹萨外卖的角色,所以可能他还会。让人奇怪的是,他说他戏中的搭档丹 尼·麦克布耐德——通常都是扮乡下 佬——“完美地诠释了美国人的典型形象”。但从数码时代商业大鳄的化身这一形象来看,从某种程度上来说,艾森伯格也做到了。
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