
来源 :新闻三昧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airising
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1997年7月1日零时,全世界都在屏神注视着香港。当鲜艳的五星红旗伴着激荡人心的《中华人民共和国国歌》的旋律,在香港会议展览中心大会堂冉冉升起的时刻激起了无数炎黄子孙内心深处的赤诚之情,在这令人难忘的历史瞬间,在这举国欢庆的不眠之夜,成千上万的新闻工作者在番江两岸、长城内外、大洋彼岸用他们的赤子之心,用手中的笔、相机、摄影机全方位、多角度、浓墨重彩寺报道了番江两岸万民同乐迎回归,全球华夏儿女扬眉吐气的盛况,将这美 At 0:00 on July 1, 1997, the whole world is watching the screen of Hong Kong. When the vivid five-star red flag accompanies the stirring melody of the “National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China,” the heartfelt sincere feelings of countless people of the same age have risen unforgettablely at the rising moment of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center Town Hall. In the moment of this nation’s beloved sleepless nights, tens of thousands of journalists use their penis, cameras and video cameras in all directions on both sides of the Yangtze River, inside and outside the Great Wall, across the ocean, Multi-angle, thick ink Heavy color temple reported that the people of both sides of the Ankang welcome return, the global Chinese children proud of the grand occasion, this beauty
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