编辑同志: 当我手捧散发着油墨馨香、设计大方、装帧精美的《河南国土资源》杂志时,心里有种说不出的高兴,因为我们又有了自己的杂志。从卷首语到经验交流、人物传真、文化沙龙等等每个栏目我都认真浏览了一遍,觉得咱这份杂志还行。总的感觉:内容丰富、涉及面广、语言朴实、
Editor’s Comrade: When I hold exudes of ink fragrance, generous design, beautifully framed “Henan Land and Resources” magazine, the heart kind of indescribable happy, because we have their own magazine. From the first words to the exchange of experience, character fax, cultural salon, etc. Each section I have carefully read it again, I think this magazine okay. The general feeling: rich in content, involving a wide range of simple language,