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5月12日,历史的坐标;汶川,自然的坐标。从它们成为坐标的那一刻起,诸多记忆注定将留在人们心底。1970、1980、1990、2000,4个年代生人,心中似乎从未有过这样的记忆坐标,而5.12,而汶川,这个历史与自然叠加的灾难坐标,将在他们心里深深镌刻。这是聚集了天地间所有颜色的坐标;这是囊括了人世间所有情感的坐标;这是显现了人性所有本能的坐标;这是牵动了国家所有神经的坐标;这是检验了国家所有能力的坐标;这是考验了国家公民所有素质的坐标;这是释放了国家公民所有爱国情绪的坐标。黑色的,死亡的,绝望的,哀伤的,恐惧的,危机的,等待的,企盼的;妈妈的,婴儿的,孩子的,学生的,老师的,亲人的;悲壮的,伟大的,彻骨的,坚强的,美丽的;主席的,总理的,政府的;镇定的,有力的,及时的;军队的,武警的,消防的,医生的,护士的;绿色的,橙色的,白色的,蓝色的;艰难的,困难的,流血的,英勇的,危险的,危急的;希望的,信心的;天上的,水中的,地面的;飞机的,火车的,汽车的,船只的,徒步的;红色的,感动的,同情的,爱心的,涌动的,援助的;爆发的,全民的,团结的,组织的,自发的,巨大的,汪洋的;电视的,报纸的,杂志的,广播的,网络的……所有的颜色,所有的情感,所有的本能,所有的神经,所有的能力,所有的素质,所有的情绪,指向——坐标中的——生命。生命,原来如此柔弱;生命,原来如此坚强;生命,原来如此平淡;生命,原来如此悲壮;生命,原来如此渺小;生命,原来如此庞大。数万生命轰然倒地,记忆的坐标随之树立,在北纬31.0度,东经103.4度。它足以颠覆我们的生命观、人生观、价值观、道德观、生活观、爱情观、世界观——正如《南方周末》所言:汶川震痛,痛出一个新中国;《新周刊》所言:国家的成人礼。它足以全新升级我们的思想和意识系统,以全新的版本面对可知和不可知的未来。重建已经起步。这个记忆的坐标,将时刻提醒我们:为了生命,为了爱,为了和谐,为了前行,要回望,深情地回望。 May 12, the historical coordinates; Wenchuan, natural coordinates. From the moment they become a coordinate, many memories are destined to remain in the hearts of the people. 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 4s, there seems to have never been such a memory coordinate in the heart. However, Wenchuan, the disaster coordinate in which history and nature are superimposed, will be deeply engraved in their hearts. This is a collection of coordinates of all the colors of heaven and earth; this is the coordinate that encompasses all the emotions in the world; this is the coordinate showing all the instincts of human nature; this is the coordinate that affects all the nerves in our country; Coordinates; this is the test of all the qualities of national citizens; this is the coordinate that has released all the patriotic emotions of national citizens. Black, dead, despair, sad, fear, crisis, waiting, hope; mom, baby, child, student, teacher, loved ones; tragic, great, sour Strong, beautiful; chairman, prime minister, government; calm, powerful, timely; army, armed police, fireman, doctor, nurse’s; green, orange, white, blue Color; difficult, difficult, bloody, heroic, dangerous, critical; hope, faith; heavenly, underwater, on the ground; aircraft, train, car, boat, hiking ; Red, moving, sympathetic, loving, surging, aid; erupted, universal, united, organized, spontaneous, huge, oceanic; television, newspaper, magazine, Broadcasting, internet ... All colors, All emotions, All instincts, All nerves, All abilities, All qualities, All emotions, Pointing to - Coordinate - Life. Life, originally so weak; life, so strong; life, so plain; life, so tragic; life, so small; life, so huge. Tens of thousands of lives fell to the ground crashing, the memory of the coordinates ensue, at 31.0 degrees north latitude, longitude 103.4 degrees. It is enough to subvert our outlook on life, outlook on life, values, morality, outlook on life, the concept of love, the world outlook - As the Southern Weekend said: Wenchuan pain, sore a new China; “New Weekly” said: National adult ceremony. It is enough to completely upgrade our mind and awareness system to a whole new version of the future of what we know and where we know it. Reconstruction has started. The coordinates of this memory will remind us momentarily: for life, for love, for harmony, for going forward, to look back and look back affectionately.
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