In the measurement of boom pull force, the bending stiffness and mass density of boom with sectioned equal sections and fixed at both ends can not be obtained accurately. In this regard, a method to identify the tension of boom by using genetic algorithm is proposed. Based on the boundary conditions and continuous conditions, the axial tensile force and the flexural rigidity, length, linear density and the linear density of the two sections of boom are obtained by using the differential equations of lateral vibration of two sections of equal and cross-sectionally fixed suspenders under axial tension. Vibration frequency between the transcendental equation. Taking the bending rigidity, linear density and pulling force of the boom as the variables, by measuring the natural frequency of the boom and using the dichotomy and the genetic algorithm to calculate the different tension degree and the pulling force of the boom with different length of a reinforced concrete bridge The results show that this method is feasible and can meet the needs of bridge construction control.