【摘 要】
In the chemistry of silylene and carbene,owing to the special abilities of cyclo-propyl containing silylenes and carbenes,they have attracted many organic chem
In the chemistry of silylene and carbene,owing to the special abilities of cyclo-propyl containing silylenes and carbenes,they have attracted many organic chemistsattention.In carbene chemistry,the ring-expansion and fragmentation of cycloprop-ylphenylcarbene gave out the cyclobutene derivative and alkyne and ethylene.Inorder to find out the reaction products of its counterpart silylene,the cyclopropylp-henylsilylene was investigated.
In the chemistry of silylene and carbene, owing to the special abilities of cyclo-propyl containing silylenes and carbenes, they have attracted many organic chemists attention. In carbene chemistry, the ring-expansion and fragmentation of cycloprop-ylphenylcarbene gave out the cyclobutene derivative and alkyne and ethylene.Inorder to find out the reaction products of its counterpart silylene, the cyclopropylp-henylsilylene was investigated.
1 三倍体毛白杨新品种选育背景及当前产业化进展我国森林资源匮乏,木材短缺。1998年以来,每年进口纸和木材近100亿美元,相当于每年建一个长江三峡的投资,耗费实在惊人。1980
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