中国历史上几乎每个王朝的覆亡,都会有一位艳丽绝代的女性为之殉葬.伪满洲帝国是日本帝国主义扶植起来的傀儡政权,不属中国的一个朝代,仅像晴空天边出现的忽现即逝的一块黑云,然而,它毕竟是建立在中国土地上的,又和灭亡了的清王朝有着一定的联系,所以在这一傀儡政权崩溃时,也同样上演了一幕皇后婉容凄凉死去的悲剧.只是这位由皇宫正式迎娶的中国最后一位皇后,逃出伪满“新京” 之后,情形如何,有什么遭遇,最后身死何处,许多资料语焉不详,甚至末代皇帝溥仪在其《我的前半生》中,也未对此作出交待.笔者有幸获得了一批珍贵的不多被人知晓的资料,从中查出了婉容的行踪和悲剧性的结局.欲知详情,我们的思绪就须搭上她的逃亡列车,与之同行,做彻底追踪——
In almost every dynasty in the history of China, the death of a dignified woman will be sacrificed.The puppet regime of the puppet Manchurian Empire is a puppet regime propped up by Japanese imperialism, not a dynasty of China, However, it is, after all, established on the soil of China and has some connection with the Qing Dynasty that perished. Therefore, during the collapse of this puppet regime, the tragedy of the Queen’s evanescent death was also staged Just after the last Queen of China, formally married by the Imperial Palace, escaped from the puppet “New Beijing”, what happened and what happened to her, and finally where she died, many of the materials were vaguely unknown. Even Pu Yi, the late emperor, In the first half of life, "nor did it make any concession to this.The author was fortunate enough to obtain a small number of precious little known information, from which found the whereabouts of Wan Rong and the tragic outcome.For more information, our thoughts Must catch her runaway train, walk with them, do a thorough tracing -