扬人的来源扬越为百越之一。系来自北方的扬人与江汉间的越人结合而成的部族。关予扬人的来源,据《周礼·夏官·职方氏》载: “河内日冀州,其泽薮日扬纡。”《汉书·地理志序》也同。《穆天子传》说周穆王西巡,曾“至于阳纡之山。”与《竹书纪年》所载的,周穆王十三年春,祭公帅师从王西征,次阳纡的说法相同。也即《山海经·海内北经》
Yang Yang source for the more one hundred. Department of Yang from the north and Jianghan between the more people from the tribe. According to “Zhou Li Xia official staff post” contains: “” Hanoi Jizhou, its Ze 薮 day Yang 纡. “” Han geographical order “is the same. ”Biography of Mu emperor“ said Zhou Mu Wang Xun patrol, had ”As for the Yangsan Mountain.“ And ”Bamboo Shuji Year“ contained in the spring of 13th week of King Mu, the same. That is, ”Shan Hai Jing by the North"