
来源 :课程教材教学研究(中教研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingflying
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2002年5月,云南省教科院信息中心组织了云南省中小学信息技术教育教学论文评选。截止到7月30日,共收到来自全省中小学信息技术教育一线的教研员、教师和教育工作者的教学论文207篇。信息中心聘请了信息技术教育专家、教研员和一线有经验的教师6人组成了评审组, In May 2002, the Yunnan Academy of Science Information Center organized the selection of information technology education and teaching papers for primary and secondary schools in Yunnan Province. As of July 30, a total of 207 teaching papers were received from teachers, teachers, and educators on the frontline of information technology education in primary and secondary schools throughout the province. The Information Center hired experts in information technology education, teaching and research staff and first-line experienced teachers to form a review team.