一、氨燃烧气氛的特点 1977年底,我厂试验成功了氨燃烧发生 器。1978年正式用于生产。开始用在经我厂重 新改造的天津电炉厂生产的RJX—45—9Q箱 式可控气氛炉上。用做渗碳和光亮淬火的载 气。79年底,我厂自制的144(千瓦)大型氨燃烧可 控气氛振底炉正式投入生产。 氨燃烧气氛是把空气与一定比例的氨气混 合,经催化燃烧及冷却净化后制得的一种极其 纯净的含氢氮基气氛。其流程见图1。气体 成分为1~25%H_2,其余为氮气。露点-40℃ 以下。
First, the characteristics of ammonia combustion atmosphere By the end of 1977, I successfully tested the plant ammonia combustion generator. 1978 formally used in production. Began to be used in our factory rebuilt Tianjin Electric Furnace factory production RJX-45-9Q box controllable atmosphere furnace. Used as carburizing and bright quenching carrier gas. By the end of 79, our factory made 144 (kilowatts) large-scale ammonia combustion controlled atmosphere vibrating hearth furnace formally put into production. Ammonia combustion atmosphere is a mixture of air and a certain proportion of ammonia, after catalytic combustion and cooling purification obtained an extremely pure hydrogen-containing nitrogen-based atmosphere. The process shown in Figure 1. Gas composition of 1 ~ 25% H_2, the rest of the nitrogen. Dew point below -40 ℃.