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汽车装备是汽车制造业的基础,汽车装备水平是中国迈向汽车强国的关键因素。目前,升级转型成为中国汽车产业发展的主基调,正在汽车企业生产线上的汽车装备,有约30%需要更新。这对众多的汽车装备制造商来说无疑是一块硕大的蛋糕,如何从中获取更大的利好,各家装备供应商都在未雨绸缪。对中国汽车装备制造商而言,这块大蛋糕看着好吃,可要真正吃到嘴里却没那么容易。目前,国内装备制造业的水平落后国际先进水平10年以上,汽车企业在用的生产装备,约90%都是进口设备,我国汽车装备对外技术依存度达到70%。由大做强,这既是汽车工业追求的目标,同时也是对中国汽车装备制造 Automotive equipment is the foundation of the automobile manufacturing industry, and the level of automobile equipment is a key factor in China’s move toward becoming a car powerhouse. At present, upgrading and transformation have become the main tone for the development of China’s automobile industry. About 30% of the automobile equipment currently being manufactured on the automobile production line needs to be updated. This is undoubtedly a large number of auto equipment manufacturers is a huge piece of cake, how to get more positive benefits from the various equipment suppliers are planning to take precautions. For China’s auto equipment makers, the big cake is delicious, but it’s not that easy to eat in the mouth. At present, the level of domestic equipment manufacturing industry lags behind the international advanced level for more than 10 years. About 90% of the production equipment used by automobile enterprises are imported equipment, and the degree of foreign technical dependence on China’s automobile equipment reaches 70%. From big to strong, which is both the pursuit of the automotive industry’s goal, but also on China’s auto equipment manufacturing