西部大开发 ,人才是关键。培养造就一支适应新形势新任务要求的少数民族干部队伍 ,是关系全局、具有战略意义的紧迫任务。在对少数民族青年干部培训工作中要把握好五个方面 :教学内容要有较强的针对性和实效性 ;解放思想 ,更新观念 ,树立创新意识 ;加强民族政策与民族团结教育 ;尊重民族风俗习惯 ;组织好参观考察活动。
Western development, talent is the key. To cultivate and build a contingent of cadres and ethnic minorities that meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks is an urgent task of overall strategic importance and strategic importance. In carrying out training work for ethnic minority cadres, we should grasp five aspects: the content of teaching should be highly targeted and effective; emancipate the mind, update concepts and establish a sense of innovation; strengthen ethnic education and national unity education; and respect ethnic customs Habit; organize a good tour of inspection activities.