部颁药品标准中药成方制剂第四册(1991)颁布的小儿咳喘灵口服液,其所订质量标准中鉴别项(1)下钙盐的鉴别与实际检验情况有一定差别,就这个问题讨论分析如下: 小儿咳喘灵口服液处方由麻黄、金银花、苦杏
The Ministry of Public Health issued the fourth edition (1991) of the Chinese medicine prescription for the preparation of the Pediatric Kechuanling Oral Liquid, which has certain differences in the identification and actual test conditions of the calcium salt identified in the quality standard (1). Discussion and analysis are as follows: Pediatric Kechuanling Oral Liquid Prescription from Ephedra, Honeysuckle, Bitter Apricot