铅、镐常共存于环境之中,在对人体尤其是儿童的毒性作用上,是两种既具有许多相似性,又各有特性的重金属。1 铅对儿童的影响通常人体对铅的易感性与年龄有关。儿童尤其是幼儿一般比成人更易受到铅的危害。据有关数据表明,在美国每个学龄前儿童,就有一个有低浓度(亚临床)铅吸收的情况,这种情
Lead, pickaxe often coexist in the environment, in the human body, especially children’s toxic effects, is both has many similarities, but also have their own characteristics of heavy metals. 1, the impact of lead on children Usually the body’s susceptibility to lead and age-related. Children, especially young children, are generally more susceptible to lead than adults. According to the data show that in the United States every preschool child, there is a low concentration (subclinical) lead absorption situation, this situation