亚平宁半岛注定是这个夏天最繁忙的地 方,来来往往的人群带来许多激动的消息,也 带走了怅然的无奈。超强的美元储备,迷入的 时尚之都,米兰市的风采早已游离于时装的 范畴之外。足球的魅力使得这个地方更成为 许多球员企及的摇篮,同样这里也是许多超 级明星跌倒的地方。新的意甲联赛已经在秋 风乍起的时候拉开了帷幕,许多耳熟能详的 天皇巨星却已经从蓝黑军团的阵容中消失了, 诸如巴蒂,诸如克雷斯波,同样也有陌生的面 孔出现在我们的视线中,诸如范德梅德,诸如 基利·冈萨雷斯。
The Apennine Peninsula is doomed to be the busiest place in the summer, with the excitement of the many people coming and going and taking away the frustration. Superb dollar reserves, fascinated fashion capital, Milan style has long been free from the category of fashion outside. The charisma of football makes this place a cradle for many players and is also where many superstars fall. The new Serie A have begun at the onset of the autumn wind, and many well-known superstars have disappeared from the Nerazzurri’s lineup, such as Batti, Crespo, and strange faces appearing on our side In sight, such as Van der Meade, such as Kelli Gonzalez.