目的:构建住院医师置信职业行为指标。方法:本研究采用德尔菲法。2020年经过2轮函询和1次专家咨询会,筛选、优化住院医师置信职业行为指标。结果:构建了15项住院医师置信职业行为指标及其内容说明,确定了各项指标在不同阶段的预期置信级别。结论:初步构建了住院医师置信职业行为指标,为住院医师规范化培训提供了简便可行的胜任力评价方式。“,”Objective:To establish the entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for residents.Methods:Delphi method was used in this study. After 2 rounds of letter consultation and 1 round of consultation meeting in 2020, the EPAs were screened and optimized.Results:Fifteen EPAs and their contents were established, and the entrustable level of each EPA at different stages was formulated.Conclusions:The EPAs for the residents have been preliminarily established, which provide a simple and feasible method for assessing the residents' competency.