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长影成为新中国电影的摇篮,不仅是输送人才,还在于在新的时代中适应意识形态要求并且兼顾艺术表现规律,努力创设多样表现形态而又有经典创作存留。长影的长史成就是电影人在特定时代中艰辛努力的结果,其间的历史得失令人深思。 Chang Ying has become the cradle of new Chinese movies. It not only delivers talents, but also adapts to the ideological requirements in the new era and takes into account the law of artistic performance. It also endeavors to create a variety of performance forms and retain the classic creation. Long movie achievements of long history is the result of hard work by filmmakers in a particular era, during which the historical gains and losses are thought-provoking.
完成于一九二六年的五幕话剧《潘金莲》,脱胎自“文明戏”时期欧阳予倩自编自演的京剧本,是欧阳予倩的代表性作品,也是二十世纪以现代意识重新书写潘金莲的第一部作品。无论是作为京剧还是话剧,该剧演出后都广受欢迎,可谓欧阳予倩的保留剧目。  一九五七年八月,为纪念话剧运动五十周年,北京人民艺术剧院排演了欧阳予倩的《潘金莲》,同时排演的还有田汉的《名优之死》,演出获得巨大成功。一九六一年四月,北京人民艺术剧院