冬季严寒气温低,对老年人威胁很大,有的老年人可能因患低体温症而危及生命。 低体温症是指人的体温已降至35℃以下。它的发病率与环境温度显著有关。人进入老年期后,肾气衰弱,阳气不足,感觉系统功能衰退,对冷觉的辨别能力远不及青年人,如不添加衣服、不提高室温而强忍寒冷,最后可导致低体温症。低体温症发病的主要原因是人体对寒冷的调
Cold winter temperatures are low, threatening the elderly, and some elderly people may be life-threatening because of hypothermia. Hypothermia refers to the human body temperature has dropped below 35 ℃. Its incidence is significantly related to ambient temperature. People into old age, kidney weakness, lack of yang, feeling the decline of systemic function, the ability to distinguish cold than those of young people, such as without adding clothes, do not increase the room temperature and endure the cold, and finally can lead to hypothermia. Hypothermia is the main reason for the onset of the body’s cold tone