抓好“千万工程”建设 加快城乡一体化步伐

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“千村示范,万村整治”(以下简称“千万工程”)是实施城乡一体化战略的重要步骤,是社会经济发展的基础工程、龙头工程。这项工程,十分符合磐安县社会经济发展的实际,亟应作为我县当前的一项中心工作抓实、抓好。城乡一体化,其核心问题是缩小城乡差距。从磐安示范整治工程实施的现状看,当前,必须重点抓好四 “Thousand village demonstration and remediation of 10,000 villages” (hereinafter referred to as “tens of millions of projects”) is an important step in the implementation of the integration strategy of urban and rural areas and is a basic project and a leading project of social and economic development. This project is in line with Pan’an County’s social and economic development of the actual situation, we should urgently as a current county center work to grasp and do a good job. Urban-rural integration, the core issue is to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. From Pan’an demonstration renovation project implementation status quo, at present, we must focus on four
2004年4月,重庆市委书记、市人大常委会主任黄镇东在听取北部新区、经开区、高新区和有关方面汇报后指出:北部新区地跨江北区、渝北区,出现了“三北”问题。这是一个发展战略问题,也是做大做强“第二个半岛”的重要问题。    “三北”问题的提出    黄镇东指出:“在2003年,北部新区、经开区、高新区再加上30个特色园区,完成工业总产值570亿元,占全市工业总产值的24%,特别是北部新区、经开区、高新