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最近,走访了韩国的一些软件公司。发现这些公司取的名字都是英文的,像ZOI、Ahnlab、XEXTEL等。当问起他们为什么取了“西洋”名时,美其名曰:向世界级公司迈进。在他们心目中,英语是世界通用语言,要让世界了解你,首先让世界了解你的名字。这些公司虽然规模不大,但都设有海外部,表示了他们对海外市场的信心。他们的人才大都有相当的英文水 Recently, I visited some software companies in South Korea. Found that these companies take the names are in English, like ZOI, Ahnlab, XEXTEL and so on. When asked why they took the name “Western”, they were very well-known: to move toward world-class companies. In their minds, English is the universal language of the world. To let the world know you, let the world know your name first. Although these companies are small in size, they are all located outside the sea and have expressed their confidence in overseas markets. Most of their talents are quite English water.
史景迁是美国耶鲁大学历史系的斯特灵 (Sterling)讲座教授 ,可以说是当今美国乃至整个西方公众中最负盛名的中国史学者。 1 96 5年 ,他以题为《曹寅与康熙皇帝 :奴才与主子》的论文获
【摘要】采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法对现代体育教学方法中的“自主学习”现状进行分析,探讨在体育教学中如何发展学生自主学习的教学策略,体现了“自主学习”在中学体育教学中的地位和提高学生素质教育的重要性。  【关键词】体育 调查 教学策略  【中图分类号】G40——013.9 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1006——5962(2012)01(a)——0124——0 2  教会学生