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  In this age of Internet sharing, nothing is more common than the microblog photo update. But a new University of Birmingham study on photo sharing has revealed that photo updates might be a quick way to lose friends.
  Photos may ruin your relationships with friends, relatives and colleagues who do not like sharing photos of themselves. Partners who shared more photos of events led to a decrease in intimacy. Similarly, a close friend who shared more photos of friends could also have a negative effect on the relationship.
  A survey of more than 500 microblog users found the numbers and subjects of the photos have an effect on the level of support and intimacy within relationships.
  Dr David Houghton, of Birmingham Business School, said, “Our research found those who often post photos on microblog risk ruining real life relationships. This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don’t seem to relate well to those who keep sharing photos of themselves.”
  Interesting, right? The result shows that your friends don’t like to see photos of you with other friends, because they’re not involved in the photos and perhaps feel left out, or are just not interested in what you’re doing with other people.
  The researchers also suggest big brand advertising campaigns, which encourage people to post photos of themselves with the product on microblog, risk ruining the relationships between their “fans”.
  microblog: 微博。
  decrease: 减少;下降。
  intimacy: 亲密(感);亲近。
  left out:忽视;被遗忘
  brand: 品牌。
  campaign: 活动;竞选运动。
  encourage: 鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进。
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