基于Google Earth构建楚雄市血防历史有螺环境监测数据库

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目的应用谷歌地球(Google Earth,GE)建立基层血防历史有螺环境监测数据库,以提高历史有螺环境管理效率。方法在GE软件平台上绘制楚雄市历史有螺环境分布图,同时通过网络相册将历史有螺环境现况图片导入GE软件,实现对钉螺环境现况的动态监测和管理。结果楚雄市共有历史有螺环境551个,面积903.62 hm~2。以Ⅱ类环境为主,共358个,面积589 hm~2,分别占历史有螺环境的总数和总面积的64.97%和65.81%;其次是Ⅳ环境最多114个,面积256.54 hm~2,分别占历史有螺环境的总数和总面积的占20.69%和28.39%。以此为基础,通过GE软件在市(县)层面建立了历史有螺环境数据库,获得了全市(县)历史有螺环境分布图。结论调查建立了楚雄市历史有螺环境数据库,并以Google Earth地图进行空间标注,有助于开展钉螺监测和更好地制定灭螺规划。 Objective To establish a database of grass-roots blood-borne history of snail environment monitoring using Google Earth (GE) to improve the efficiency of management of snail environment. Methods Based on the GE software platform, the historical snail environment map of Chuxiong was drawn. At the same time, the current snail environment status picture was imported into GE software through web album to realize the dynamic monitoring and management of snail environment status. Results There were 551 conch environments in Chuxiong with an area of ​​903.62 hm ~ 2. The total area is 359 with an area of ​​589 hm ~ 2, accounting for 64.97% and 65.81% of the total snail environment and followed by a maximum of 114 environments with an area of ​​256.54 hm ~ 2 Accounting for 20.69% and 28.39% of the total number of historic snail environments and the total area. Based on this, a historical snail environment database was established at the city (county) level by GE software and the historical snail environment distribution map of the whole city (county) was obtained. Conclusion The investigation established the historical snail environment database of Chuxiong City and annotated the space with Google Earth map, which is conducive to snail monitoring and better planning of snail elimination.
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