按照决议文本,音乐“形式主义”的具体特征究竟在何处? 1.“鼓吹无调性,不协和音与不谐和和声”。甚至音乐知识最少的人也足以发现,决议里被指名道姓的作曲家中,没有一个曾经是无调性者,包括在技术上最“左”的人在内。不协和音,不谐和和声?人人都知道,音乐没有不协和音是不可思议的,否则它就会失去运动。而《决议》的作者们恰恰在放任自己采取这种草率的作法。无论如何,在《决议》中所提到的那些作曲家那
According to the text of the resolution, where are the specific characteristics of music “formalism”? 1. “Advocating atonalism, disharmony and disharmony.” Even those with the least musical knowledge are enough to find out that none of the composers who were named in the resolution has ever been an atonalist, including the technically most “leftist”. Disharmony, Disharmony, Harmony Everyone knows that music without dissonance is incredible, otherwise it loses movement. The authors of the resolution are just letting themselves take this sloppy approach. Anyway, those composers mentioned in the “Resolution.”