
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlifeinsydney
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随着新课程理念的不断深入,我国初中政治教学正面临着巨大的挑战与发展。但就目前的发展趋势来看,我国的初中政治教学效果并不理想,需要相关教育工作者改革与发展教学模式,更新教学内容,力求找到合适的教学方法。案例教学法的出现改善了目前政治教学现状,使我国政治教学质量得以保证。本文主要对案例教学法在初中政治教学中的运用进行了浅要的分析,以便给当前初中政治教学提供更多的参考资料。 With the deepening of the new curriculum concept, political teaching in junior middle schools in our country is facing enormous challenges and development. However, judging from the current development trend, the effect of political teaching in junior middle schools in our country is not satisfactory. It requires relevant education workers to reform and develop their teaching mode, update their teaching contents, and strive to find appropriate teaching methods. The emergence of case teaching method has improved the status quo of political teaching so that the quality of political teaching in our country can be guaranteed. This article mainly analyzes the application of case teaching method in junior high school political teaching in order to provide more reference materials for current junior high school politics teaching.
题记:“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉!飞剑决浮云,诸侯尽西来。” 秦始皇,这个两千多年来被多少文人墨客所争论不休的人物,在这里我们不管对他的评论是毁也好,誉也罢,我们都不能否认他对现代旅游的贡献——建造了长城和秦始皇兵马俑。    1975年7月10日,在陕西省临潼县秦始皇陵东侧,发现了一处规模巨大的秦代陶俑坑。  陶俑坑是当地农民在抗旱打井过程中发现的,经考古工作者探测,确认为一号兵马俑坑。一号兵马俑