针对当今学术界流行的将全球伦理归结为底线伦理的观点 ,本文指出了其存在的几个思维误区 ;阐明了全球伦理是一个具有多层次结构和内容的综合体系 ,特别强调人类终极关怀的维度 ;得出了全球伦理包括底线伦理但不能归结为底线伦理的结论。
In view of the prevailing academic view of the world at the bottom line of ethics, this paper points out the existence of several misunderstandings; clarifies the global ethics is a multi-level structure and content of the integrated system, with particular emphasis on the ultimate dimensions of human care ; Reached the conclusion that global ethics including the ethics of the bottom line can not be attributed to the bottom line ethics.