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唐代诗人白居易有一首《和令狐仆射小饮听阮咸》的诗,诗云:“掩仰复凄清,非琴不是筝。还弹乐府曲,别占阮家名。古调何人识,初闻满座惊,落盘珠历历,摇佩玉铮铮,似劝杯中物,如含林下情。时移音律改,岂是昔时声。”该诗尽情地表达了诗人欣赏“阮咸”乐曲时惊喜的心情和对其演奏技巧的赞誉。据记载,阮产生于汉。汉武帝欲与乌孙国结盟和好,遂将公主嫁给乌孙王为后。出嫁前,汉武帝怕她途远思念,特意让工匠参考 Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, had a poem entitled “And the Linghu Pouring Drink to Ruan Xian,” said the poet Yun: “It is not a zither to conceal the sun, nor is it a zither. , Beginning to smell astonished, off the beads calendar, shaking Peijuzhengzheng, like to persuade the cup objects, such as containing Lin under the love .When the soundtrain change, it is the sound of the past. ”The poem enjoy the poet enjoy " Ruanxian The music was pleasantly surprised and compliments its playing skills. According to records, Nguyen produced in the Han. Han Wu Di want to make alliances with the Wusun and reconciliation, then married the princess Wusun Wang for the post. Before marrying, the Han Emperor Wu afraid of her long way to go, specifically for craftsmen reference