Under the background of the transformation of knowledge of criminal law, Article 13 of the Chinese Criminal Law urgently needs to make a clear theoretical definition. In theory, there are currently four ways to apply the book: traditional school, radical school, conservative reformist group and open reformist school. The reformist school takes into account both the logical rationality of criminal construction and the efforts in knowledge transfer of criminal law, and makes use of the “proviso ” clause as a normative resource for legal education and is worth promoting. “But the ” clause is not a legislative obstacle to adopt the stratified crime system, but also can be compatible with the crime system, it should become a normative resource in the class crime system. In the criminal theory system, it is worth reflecting on the habit of thinking which only emphasizes the nature judgment and does not attach importance to the degree judgment. Based on the article meaning of “But the clause”, in the system of stratified crime, “But the book ” should be defined as the normative guide to the judgment of the degree of illegality and guilt, so as to realize the connection with the crime system of class crime .