最搞怪的方法:用望远镜!用眼镜!或者用哈哈镜! (葛一霄)最可怕的方法:好几天都不要洗手,细菌就从手上一块一块掉下来了。 (曹一绚)最实干的方法:用铲子在地上挖土,挖到地底下就有细菌了。 (孔一煜)怎样才能看到细菌
The most weird way: with the telescope! With glasses! Or with haha mirror! (Ge Xiaoxiao) the most horrible way: for days do not wash your hands, the bacteria fell from the hands one by one. (Cao Yixuan) the most practical way: dig with a shovel on the ground, dug there underground bacteria. (Kong Yiyu) how to see bacteria