
来源 :中国企业家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erdanws
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《中国企业家》2011年第18期封面故事《柔性国际化》经过二十多年原始积累,一些在国内市场做大的私营企业(联想、华为、吉利)和独大的国营企业(中石油、中海油)坐拥充足的资金,积极拓展国际市场和国际化视野。在此阶段,有两种不同的国际化路径选择:其一,利用成本优势,打入欧美高端市场,从质上打出品牌后往下渗透;其二,利用制造优势,从量上打入亚非拉等发展中国家市场。 Cover Story “Flexible Internationalization” After more than 20 years of primitive accumulation, some private-owned enterprises (Lenovo, Huawei and Geely) that are bigger in the domestic market and the largest state-owned enterprises (PetroChina, CNOOC Limited) with sufficient funds, and actively expand the international market and international perspective. At this stage, there are two different choices for internationalization: First, using cost advantages to penetrate the high-end markets in Europe and the United States, playing down the brand from the quality and then infiltrating into the market; secondly, using the manufacturing superiority, Non-Latin America and other developing markets.