
来源 :应用光学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fazaizhaoyun
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海水的化学需氧量大小直接决定海水水质的污染程度, 传统的紫外-可见光波段检测时荧光干扰较大, 近红外光波段检测时, 水分子红外吸收峰影响较严重。提出一种基于拉曼光谱的海水化学需氧量检测方法, 以不同浓度的模拟海水样本为被测对象, 确定特征拉曼位移为981.6 cm-1, 对拉曼光谱预处理后, 通过偏最小二乘法对拉曼光谱的相对强度与碱性高锰酸钾法检测得到的海水化学需氧量进行回归建模。实验结果显示, 训练集和预测集相关系数达到0.99, 验证集决定系数可达到0.990 9, 预测均方根误差为0.79 mg/L。
Photoacoustic imaging (PAI), also known as optoacoustic imaging, is a rapidly growing imaging modality with potential in medical diagnosis and therapy monitoring. This paper focuses on the techniques of prostate PAI and its potential applications in prost
Ce3 /Er3 /Bi3 triply-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) is synthesized using co-precipitation method. The Bi3 concentration-dependent near-infrared (NIR) emission behavior is systemically investigated. The NIR emission of Er3 ions at 1531 nm is enhanc
Development of nuclear pumped lasers (NPL) in the CFBR-II reactor is briefly reviewed. The results of the two NPL experiments in CFBR-II reactor are described. The first one focused on the principle of nuclear pumped laser, and 4-mW laser output power ach
Metasurfaces have pioneered a new avenue for advanced wave-front engineering. Among the various types of metasurfaces, Huygens’ metasurfaces are thought to be a novel paradigm for flat optical devices. Enabled by spectrally overlapped electric resonance a
We propose to achieve nonreciprocal quantum control of photons in a quadratic optomechanical (QOM) system based on directional nonlinear interactions. We show that by optically pumping the QOM system in one side, the effective QOM coupling can be enhanced
提出了在单模光纤联接的望远镜干涉阵中通过拉伸红外单模光纤实现光程调制的方法.简要分析了该方法的机理及存在的问题,如偏振效应、色散等.用少模光纤和单模光纤分别代替马赫-陈德尔(Mach-Zehnder)干涉仪的两个臂,并且其中一臂的光纤缠在直径为6 cm的PZT圆柱上.给PZT圆柱施加三角波电压后,首次得到干涉条纹,并证明了方法的可行性.
为了研究不同杂质颗粒物对划痕的影响及其大小与划痕形貌之间的关系,在钕玻璃抛光过程中分别引入三种尺寸的金刚砂、氧化铈团聚物和用过的抛光粉作为杂质颗粒物,对抛光过程中产生的划痕形貌进行统计分析。结果表明,脆性划痕、塑性划痕和混合型划痕都存在,其中脆性划痕占很大比例;氧化铈团聚物和用过的抛光粉产生的划痕浅且少,金刚砂产生的划痕深且多;随着金刚砂粒径的增大,对应产生的划痕的数密度和长度也增加;不同粒径的金刚砂产生的划痕的宽度分布与其对应的粒径分布相似,呈高斯状分布。利用T. Suratwala提出的黏弹性模型,探