强化质量意识 走质量效益道路

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胜利石油管理局油建一公司是一个从事油田地面建设工程的施工企业。组建于1965年,现有职工6283人,下属6个分公司、4个厂站和科研、学校、农副业生产等25个单位。我们是搞油田基本建设的,主要承担井口、站库、管线的建筑安装,施工任务具有点多、线长、面广、急上抢建的特点。过去曾吃过忽视质量的苦头,是在经受了痛苦的教训之后,才下决心抓质量的。多年来,我们以质量为中心,走质量效益道路,促进了企业素质不断提高,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益。做法是:一、运用典型事例进行质量教育,使人们能直观地看到质量不好的危害性,认识质量的重要性,提高重视质量的自觉性。这些年来,我们经常用自己施工的两条长输管线对职工进行质量教育。一条是东辛输油管线,1965年建成投产,至今仍正常输油;一条是滨纯输油管线,1970年建成投产,只用了三年多就多处穿孔报废。两条线两种质量两种结果说明,质量好就是节约,质量不好就是浪费,只有高质量才会有高效益。我们经常对质量好的单位和个人进行表扬鼓励;对质量差的典型不护短、不怕丑,抓住不放,严肃处理,不断增强职工搞好质量的自觉性。1986年3月在桩西油田注水管线施工中,三分公司管工班长赵德章负责对口,只注意速度,工序控制不严, Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau of Oil Construction Co., Ltd. is a construction enterprise engaged in oil field ground construction projects. Founded in 1965, it has 6283 employees, 6 sub-companies, 4 factory stations, and 25 units of scientific research, schools, and agricultural and sideline production. We are engaged in the basic construction of oil fields, mainly responsible for the construction and installation of wellheads, station depots, and pipelines. The construction tasks are characterized by multiple points, long lines, wide areas, and rush to build. In the past, I had eaten the pain of neglecting quality. Only after having experienced painful lessons did I set my mind on quality. Over the years, we have taken quality as the center, taken the road of quality and efficiency, promoted the continuous improvement of corporate quality, and achieved significant economic and social benefits. The approach is: First, the use of typical examples of quality education, so that people can intuitively see the harm of bad quality, understanding the importance of quality, and increase awareness of the importance of quality. Over the years, we have used the two long-distance pipelines we have built to provide quality education to employees. One is the Dongxin Oil Pipeline, which was completed and put into production in 1965. It is still normally transporting oil. One is the Binchun Oil Pipeline. It was completed and put into production in 1970. It took only more than three years for multiple perforations to be scrapped. Two lines of two kinds of quality and two kinds of results show that good quality is saving, poor quality is waste, and only high quality will have high efficiency. We often praise and encourage good quality units and individuals. We don’t care for the poor quality and don’t be afraid of ugliness. We take it seriously, and deal with it seriously. We constantly enhance the consciousness of employees to do a good job of quality. In March 1986, in the construction of injection pipelines in Zhuangxi Oilfield, Zhao Dezhang, supervisor of the branch supervisor of the Sankei company, was responsible for his counterparts, only paying attention to speed and lax control of the process.
巴基斯坦将投资3130万美元,在信德省的Tharpaker 地区建立新的花岗石采石场和4个花岗石加工厂。采石场的设计能力总计为年产2.04万立方米荒料,4个加工厂的设计能力总计为年